Coat: Kenneth Cole (similar) / Shirt: The Limited / Jeans: Gap/ Shoes: c/o Deb |
Though I was temporarily preoccupied by Beyonce's surprise album release (Drunk in Love remains on repeat!), I'm currently going through withdrawals from my favorite show, Scandal. There won't be another new episode until Feb. 27, which means I have to wait another two months before I'm able to spend an hour lusting over Olivia Pope's wardrobe again. In my opinion, one of the most iconic pieces from Olivia's closet is her white Tory Burch trench coat.
I've been dying to have an Olivia Pope moment of my own, so when my Nina gifted me with this white Kenneth Cole trench, I knew the time was finally right. She managed to find this coat priced at more than 60% off at Rugged Wearhouse. It was also the only one in the store and luckily, in my size. I hope the weather doesn't begin to warm up anytime soon, because I am looking forward to more Olivia Pope moments in my white coat.
Loving this look ! I love Scandal ! :)